• ホーム
  • ごあいさつ
  • 講師紹介
  • プログラム
  • 教室風景

Greeting / ごあいさつ






英語の歌やダンスだけでなく、もっとお子さんの英語学習を積極的にサポートしたいとお考えの保護者の方、専門分野の英語力をさらに伸ばしたい方、英語講師をめざしてティーチング・スキルを磨きたい方など、英語学習のニーズは様々です。リトルブラウンは「聞く」・「話す」・「読む」・「書く」という本来の言語 習得プロセスに基づいた教育プログラムから特定の目的に応じた英語学習まで、幅広 いプログラムをご利用いただけます。



Hello, I am Monica Kim, mother of two children and a life long teacher. I have been in education for many years both learning and teaching which eventually led my husband, Joseph, and I to start Little Brown Academy to support the diverse needs of learners in the unique city of Yokohama, in 2009, where life is in total harmony with the Japanese and international cultures of this city. 
At Little Brown we have been supporting learners of English as an additional language as well as international school students for their academic support such as IB Math, Reading and Writing. Some of our strong programs are Book Clubs, Math Clubs, and Summer School programs for International School Students. Those who want to develop their English language skills are welcome to Kids Brown Program, Brown Reading Program, Gakudo and Saturday programs.
After School Childcare Program has been added to support working parents, and also to offer various learning needs such as arts and crafts, math, reading, cooking and coding in a safe and supervised environment.

The teachers here are experienced, professional, and efficient. I am very proud to be working with such highly qualified teachers toward the same goal of helping and supporting the beautiful journey of all learners.
Come and experience Little Brown where learning is made fun, interesting, and efficient by fine teachers and modern technology that will accommodate every need of our learners today.  

Thank you and see you all at Little Brown Academy.



Work in Little Brown
